FOR maximum


60 minutes STUDIO 

$125.00   PER SESSION
60-minute massage offers essential relaxation and stress relief, making it an ideal choice for a quick escape from daily pressures while targeting specific tension areas.

60 minutes MOBILE

$175.00    PER SESSION
Indulge in a mobile 60-minute massage, ideal for relaxation and stress relief in your space. This handy option provides a quick escape from daily pressures.
booK NOW

90 minutes studio

$175.00    PER SESSION
90-minute massage allows for a deeper and more comprehensive treatment, addressing multiple areas of discomfort and promoting greater overall well-being
booK NOW

90 minutes MOBILE

$225.00    PER SESSION
Experience the convenience of a mobile 90-minute massage, allowing for a deeper and more comprehensive treatment in the comfort of your own space.
booK NOW